Xbox 360 to get GRAW addon in october?

Inscrit depuis 6853 Jours

Translated from german it says the camera for xbox 360 will be released in october as no current games support it. the first game will be a special version of ghost recon to be released in october which will support the camera
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Inscrit depuis 6639 Jours
very very interesting

in november GRAW will be out for ps3, maybe there will be an addon for 360 version too, very possible
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Inscrit depuis 6766 Jours
"Cross com" anyone?
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I am the pwnage

Inscrit depuis 6781 Jours
That would be sweet. If you go online with your camera your 'real' teammates who you play with will see your face on there crosscom. Talk about easier way to communicate :D
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Inscrit depuis 6730 Jours
Interesting everyone seemed pretty impressed with the 360's videochat so this seems right up their alley.

My ghost recon gets delivered this friday damn thing was impossible to find at any stores nearby.
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[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

Inscrit depuis 6766 Jours
lol you havent played GRAW yet? For shame...
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I am the pwnage

Inscrit depuis 6721 Jours
PPU .. ?
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Inscrit depuis 6730 Jours
Nah I've played it just not on my own 360 the thing is impossible to get in my area and I made a pre order which took forever to ship it was on backorder like forever. I actually completely forgot about graw until today when I checked the site to see my order will come this friday.

Elder Scrolls was keeping me busy, but I'm still dying to play graw. To get ghost recon at any sort of reasonable time I would've had to camp out from like 8 in the night till the next morning to get the game (there are people in my area that camp out for games)

Imagine what they'll do when halo 3 comes? I haven't made any halo 3 pre orders yet which means I probably wont get the thing till 2009 lol. The best bet for me to get halo 3 when it does come is to be at a store early in the morning before it opens, but there will have already been a couple hundred outside waiting ahead of me.

Man I'm just dying to see what halo 3 looks like graphically. You know what I expect to happen? I think at E3 microsoft and bungie will be showing some footage (the type you expect to not be realtime) everyone will think its just pre-rendered or something and then they will spring the surprise on everyone and show them that its actually playable. (Of course nobody else will get to play it, it'll be just like Gears of War at zerohour) Nobody expected the graphics to look like that.

I've said it before, but there are some that don't expect gears of war to live up to the hype (I can't guarantee it will), but what I do know is that microsoft securing it as an exclusive was a very big deal ut2007 is more of the same from epic just prettier, gears of war we still have no idea what is in store for this game we've just seen a glimpse, but think of how crazy they can get with the action if they wanted to.

I imagine Gears of War could be similar to ghost recon, but they could throw alot of extra into the mix that we didn't expect and the action could prove alot more intense. I don't expect gears of war to be a simple stop and pop type shooter there will be alot of variety to what you need to do in order to progress is what I think. Take the part where he turned the valve then shot the gasoline so everything could blow up for example I expect all sorts of different things like that.

(People worry about shooting blindly over your shoulder and its suppose to be tactical, but firing blind like that isn't accurate unless your opponent is in the same spot.) Or similar to ghost recon they could take away that option in multiplayer. (Like they took away the quick lean and peak shooting for online play.)

Also another thing I've realized is that I no longer want developers to release game demos before the games come out unless its 100% representative of what the final game is like because I've seen how stuff like that has backfired on many games so far. Which is why I expect the majority of game demos (especially ghost recon to show up on the marketplace after sales have slowed down a bit)

If the aniticipation for the game is huge why risk messing things up with a demo that isn't anything close to the final game? Get all the people that just want to get their hands on the game to buy it first and whoever is leftover drop a demo to grab more buyers.

Its EXACTLY why i think ninety nine nights never went up on the marketplace. The demo is nothing close to as polished like what we saw in the latest videos.

I know i've gone way off topic, but honest answer if you had a choice between (we know ut2007 is coming to 360) but lets say you had a choice between ONLY 1 of the 2 which would you guys choose? Gears or UT2007

For me it would have to be gears of war because its something new from epic and we don't know what to expect, but what I do know is it has a strong possibility to become something really big. I mean just try to remember for a second the stage in gears of war we were shown where they were in the rain and the thunder and lighting were flashing and they looked at the water. The game is going to be one to look out for the lighting was incredible.
En réponse à

[b] Never judge a game too harshly via screenshots or videos, because they are in no way capable of properly representing what the game truly looks like were you to see it running in front of you on a 360 [/b]

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